Our story

Our calling

Our mission

Our founders - Walter and Sonya Da Silva

We are immigrants who came to the US with dreams, just like any other foreigner. We had to learn to adapt very quickly to some things that made sense and some others that never will. One of the first things we noticed when we started living in the US is that geography and the study of other peoples and cultures around the world is not a priority subject in American schools as it might be in other countries. Being such a diverse country, we noticed the lack of acceptance and blending among cultures. We’ve also heard many times the phrase, “ignorance is bliss”. In this case, that mentality probably did more harm than good.

As years passed, we noticed the disconnection between many first generation Americans with their own families. We also observed the aftermath of segregation and how it still affects certain cultures within the US. All this issues need to be addressed and dealt with in a safe space so we can build stronger leaders for our future.

People will always want to be surrounded by individuals that will accept and love them. We strongly believe that the lack of knowledge about our own neighbors’ culture and ways is still a strong factor of division in this country. We experienced this ourselves trying to blend in American churches and schools. All of this is the reason of our calling, unity. We believe that God showed us this much and let us go through some experiences of our own while He was preparing our hearts to contribute to a change.

There’s a lot of hurt in this world. Some times it is overwhelming… but God! We only need to be His hands. He will do the rest.

Mission Statement

Just like the phrase “it takes a village to raise a kid” we believe that it takes a village to empower a community.

Our mission is:

  • to build up mentors that can provide a loving, safe, character builder place to help younger generations of our community to develop their full potential.

  • to create and establish programs that would help them develop and expand their interaction with peers, teem building, leadership skills, respect, good citizenship conduct, personal identity and calling.

  • to work with families, helping them reconnect in spite of cultural differences and barriers.

  • to raise people’s awareness of wellness and to help people develop healthy habits that can ultimately bridge mind, body and soul.